Science department offers a wide range of subjects that are designed to develop
students’ ability to apply scientific concepts so that they can explain why
things happen in the biological and physical world around them. By applying
scientific concepts they will be able to explain why things happen in the
biological and physical world. Throughout the course students will develop
problem-solving and decision-making strategies and the ability to think and
work scientifically to conduct scientific investigations. Students will learn
to think and work scientifically so that they become scientifically literate
citizens who have an understanding of the world around them, issues that affect
them and the impact of human activity on the environment.
Junior science program is based on the Australian Science Curriculum and
focuses on Biological sciences, Chemical sciences, Earth and space sciences,
Physical sciences, Science as a Human endeavour and Science Inquiry skills.
Students study Science in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. They can then choose to
continue studying Science in the Senior school. The subjects offered are :
Biology, Chemistry and Physics which are ATAR eligible subjects, and, Aquatic
Practices and Science in Practice are non-ATAR subjects.