Parents’ and Citizens’ Association
The Parents’ and Citizens’ Association plays an active role in developing and maintaining the school environment, providing services for our students, fundraising and in having a voice on issues that affect the well being of students.
In recent times, the Parents’ and Citizens’ Association has funded major projects such as the air conditioning of the school, landscaping, providing shade structures, the outdoor gallery and the refurbishment of the performing arts block and assembly hall.
In 2005, the Parents’ and Citizens’ Association established a uniform shop at the school and is responsible for its operations. The uniform shop and the tuckshop (also managed by the P & C) are significant income earners for the school. The uniform shop is open each Tuesday and Thursday from 8.15 am – 9.15 am. It is open for extended times at the beginning of the school year.
The Parents' & Citizens' Association (P&C) is an important body that provides input into the opportunities our school offers to your child. The P&C has input into the development, resourcing and funding of programs including mentoring, STEM (EXCEL), excursions, trips, excellence programs, productions, agricultural shows and arts opportunities in music, dance and drama. As a school we greatly value the advice and ideas of our parents and community members.
Our meetings in 2024 are:
Wednesday 2 March (6.30pm)
Wednesday 4 May (6.30pm)
Wednesday 1 June (6.30pm)
Wednesday 7 August (6.30pm)
Wednesday 4 September (6.30pm)
Wednesday 2 October (6.30pm)
Wednesday 6 November (6.30pm)
Wednesday 4 December (6.30pm)
The location of P&C meetings are in the conference room, located in the Administration Services building. Please ring the office 49 204 333 for any other enquiries.
President- Geoff Balmain
Vice President- Kirsty Wooler
Treasurer- Claire Morrison
Secretary- Jae Walters