Business subjects offered

Year 7 Economics and Business is a course which enables students to understand and apply knowledge and concepts relating to the real-world of finance and business. Although this is also only studied for 5 weeks, it is of significant relevance to our lives. Individual and business success in the market! Students will develop and apply enterprising behaviours and capabilities, knowledge, understanding and skills of inquiry to investigate a familiar economics or business issue (e.g. observing a business to identify factors that contribute to its success.
This will enable students to: describe consumers and producers, characteristics of entrepreneurs and successful businesses, and identify the reasons individuals choose to work, types of work and how people derive an income.
Year 7 Civics and Citizenship gives students the opportunity to learn more about being an active participant in society and how the political process works in Australia. This is studied for 5 weeks. Students will study key features of Australia's system of government and explore how this system aims to protect all Australians. They examine the Australian Constitution and how its features, principles and values shape Australia's democracy. Students look at how the rights of individuals are protected through the justice system. They explore how Australia's secular system of government supports a diverse society with shared values.
Year 8 Economics and Business: In this unit on business opportunities in the Australian market, students will investigate a familiar and unfamiliar issue (for example: investigating the ways people work, changing attitudes to work-life balance and opportunities in the market for a business to take advantage of these in a new enterprise or venture; or exploring reasons for market failure and government intervention in particular markets.
This will enable students to explain how markets operate in Australia and the influence of governments; identify different types of business; explain the rights and responsibilities of consumers and businesses; and describe influences on the ways people work and factors that might affect work in the future.
Year 8 Civics and Citizenship: Students study the responsibilities and freedoms of citizens and how Australians can actively participate in their democracy. They consider how laws are made and the types of laws used in Australia. Students also examine what it means to be Australian by identifying the reasons for and influences that shape national identity. Through the study of civics and citizenship, students develop skills of inquiry, values and dispositions that enable them to be active and informed citizens.
Year 9 Business Studies is a full-year course where students conduct a small business or shop so they are able to apply knowledge, processes and skills similar to real-life such as enterprising behaviours, cost-benefit analysis, competitive advantage, financial record keeping (including MYOB). Financial rewards, risks and responsibilities associated with transactions, mobile phones, social media, budgeting, earning and success stories of teenagers.
Students develop their understanding of economics and business concepts, an 'economy' and explore what it means for Australia. What types of small business exist and may exist in the future? What strategies can be applied by business owners to focus on improvement? This will include case studies: videos, hard copies, internet – Shark Tank, TV series, The Australian Apprentice (breakfast cereal), The Mentor with Mark Bouris, $20BOSSChange in Australia's political and legal systems.
Year 9 Civics and Citizenship
Students evaluate features of Australia's political system, and identify and analyse the influences on people's political choices. They explain the key principles of Australia's system of justice and analyse the role of Australia's court system. They analyse a range of factors that influence identities and attitudes to diversity. They reflect on how groups participate and contribute to civic life. They analyse ways they can be active and informed citizens in different contexts.
Change in Australia's political and legal systems Students will build an understanding of Australia's political system and how it enables change. Students examine the ways political parties, interest groups, media and individuals influence government and decision making processes. They investigate the features and principles of Australia's court system, including its role in applying and interpreting Australian law. Key inquiry questions:
- What influences shape the operation of Australia's political system?
- How does Australia's court system work in support of a democratic and just society?
- How do citizens participate in an interconnected world?
Year 10 Business Studies
Investigate the world of business, how they function to achieve success, influence consumer decisions and how they improve business productivity.
- explore success stories of teenagers
- case studies – real businesses including Australian, international and local
- records, computer packages (MYOB / Reckon), reconciliation, profits
- Business Expo/Fair, competitions and challenges including BEBRAS, ESSI, ASX
- real-world problems for businesses: ageing population; advancing technology.
This subject eads to Senior Accounting, Business and/or Certificate 11 in Business and provides opportunities to develop skills that directly lead to employment.
Year 10 Legal Studies
Students explore our legal system including various types of law, how our law courts work, careers in the legal system and how disputes are resolved when conflict arises between citizens. They will
- analyse case studies and recent news events to understand how the law applies to everyday scenarios
- hear guest speaks and go on an excursion to the Court House
- gain useful legal knowledge and skills which is an excellent introduction to Senior Legal Studies.
When researching, students analyse a range of questions to investigate Australia's political and legal systems and critically analyse information gathered from different sources for relevance and reliability. They compare and account for different interpretations and points of view on civics and citizenship issues. When planning for action, students take into account multiple perspectives, use democratic processes, and negotiate solutions to an issue.
Senior Business subjects offered
Senior Accounting in Year 11 & 12
This course gives students an insight into the changing role of accounting in different business types and includes the essential role of organising, analysing and communicating financial data for a business's successful performance, financial software, the use of spreadsheets and manual record-keeping. It involves the analysis of financial data and business processes to make recommendations for improvement in processes and performance. It includes real-world accounting, management effectiveness, monitoring a business and the big picture for accounting in the future.
Students learn fundamental accounting concepts in order to understand accrual accounting and managerial and accounting controls, preparing internal financial reports, ratio analysis and interpretation of internal and external financial reports. They synthesise financial data and other information, evaluate accounting practices, solve authentic accounting problems, make decisions and communicate recommendations.
Studying Accounting can lead to employment in: accounting, forensic accounting, business, management, banking, finance, law, economics, commerce, and treasurer in businesses and governments of all sizes and types. In recent times, accountants do auditing, not only of financial data and processes, but more recently the entire VET courses in Australia, data analytics and even the voting processes for the Oscars in Hollywood. In fact, every business needs the services of an accountant or para-accountant.
Senior Business in Year 11 & 12
Business provides opportunities for students to develop business knowledge and skills to contribute meaningfully to society, the workforce and the marketplace and prepares them as potential employees, employers, leaders, manager and entrepreneurs.
Students investigate the business life cycle, develop skills in examining business data and information and learn business concepts, theories, processes and strategies relevant to leadership, management and entrepreneurship. They investigate the influence of, and implications for, strategic development in the functional areas of finance, human resources, marketing and operations.
Students use a variety of technological, communication and analytical tools to comprehend, analyse, interpret and synthesise business data and information. They engage with the dynamic business world (in both national and global contexts), the changing workforce and emerging digital technologies.
This course of study in Business can lead to: business management, business development, entrepreneurship, business analytics, economics, business law, accounting and finance, international business, marketing, human resources management, business information systems.
Senior Legal Studies in Year 11 & 12
Legal Studies focuses on the interaction between society and the discipline of law and explores the role and development of law in response to current issues. Students study the legal system and how it regulates activities and aims to protect the rights of individuals, while balancing these with obligations and responsibilities.
Students study the foundations of law, the criminal justice process and the civil justice system. They critically examine issues of governance, explore contemporary issues of law reform and change, and consider Australian and international human rights issues. Students develop skills to make informed and ethical decisions and recommendations.
In studying Legal Studies, students will learn the following units: beyond reasonable doubt, the balance of probabilities, law governance and change, and human rights in legal contexts.
Studying Legal Studies can lead to careers and further study in: Law; law enforcement; criminology; justice studies; and politics.
The research and analytical skills this course develops are universally valued in business, health, science and engineering industries.
Senior Certificate 11 in Business in Year 11 & 12
is a VET course which is recognised throughout Australia by businesses. The competencies studied enable students to gain a wide variety of knowledge, skills and processes that are sought after in every administration job, a role that is available in most businesses, small and large as well as all levels of government... In fact, many other jobs apart from administration, also require employees to have effective administration knowledge and skills. 2021 will be the first year of the newly developed course that brings it into line with developing sets of skills required in business. It also includes activities which help to develop computer / IT skills for business and a comprehensive set of skills that will be highly marketable for job seekers.
Competencies: Produce simple word processed documents, Create and use spreadsheets, Create electronic presentations, Design and produce text documents, Communicate in the workplace, Communicate electronically, Contribute to health and safety of self and others, Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices, Organise and complete daily work activities, Work effectively with others, Use business technology, Process financial transactions and extract interim reports.
Successful completion of this course will contribute 4 credits to the QCE.