Digital Technologies subjects offered

Year 7 Digital Technologies "Serious Games" Term 1 or 2: is studied by every student for one term. Students have fun whilst learning about programming through the development of a "Serious Game" with an educational component. They also learn about file management and network protocols, online security, data and how it can be manipulated in spreadsheets to create more meaning through display, formulae and charts. It highlights the importance and purpose of Digital Technologies.
Year 7 Digital Technologies & Robotics Term 3 or 4: is studied by every student for a term. This topic: Students will learn a programming language, Python, which is commonly used across the world to develop solutions. Within an interesting context of an imaginary IT business called D.A.T.A., Digital Analysis Troubleshooting Agency, they will develop knowledge and skills to create innovative digital solutions with drones and robots. They will explore how computer programming uses a collection of smaller programs eg for robots.
Year 9 Computer Education There's an app for that! is a full-year course where students learn a wide variety of applications for various scenarios. Students will use mark-up language and style sheets to design and create a prototype data-driven webpage or web app to solve an identified problem. For example, students may design an app to locate the best surfing spots in Queensland. Learning opportunities will include:
- examining existing apps
- studying the agile software development cycle used in real-world projects
- exploring and evaluating examples of solutions developed using big data, such as in meteorology, transportation and government.
Projects based on a selection from: Augmented and virtual reality, data driven innovation & solving problems with programming, animation of objects and cartoons with photo editing & creation, keyboard efficiency, MSITA (Microsoft Imagine Academy – international accreditation), multi-media – webpages, presentations, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, data analytics, security practices and integrity.
Students progressively become more skilled at identifying the steps involved in planning solutions and developing detailed plans that are mindful of risks, sustainability requirements and legal obligations.
Year 10 Computer Education
This is a general course based around designing and creating digital solutions for scenarios using a wide variety of software. Solutions include designing web pages, creating a Junior Year Newsletter, making a video to promote an educational activity…
Within a variety of scenarios, students will develop knowledge, skills and process relating to file management, IT policies, style guides/PPM; efficient typing, ergonomics, documents including resumes, letters, memos, emails with subject & signature block, tables, spreadsheets, agendas & minutes, PowerPoints. The scenario could be a small business such as a builder or medical clinic.
Through a scenario such as media or administration business, students take on jobs and contracts from individuals and organisations such as sporting or charitable organisations, surveys and promotional material. Publishing of advertisements (sales, jobs), promos, online documents with fill-ins, surveys, reports/assignments with multi-page including financials chart of image, newsletters & graphs (spreadsheets).
Animation using Animate/Flash (could be advertisement/promotion scenario), simple website design in Dreamweaver and Word to connect to portfolio items developed. They will add to this website all year. Creation of website, functionality, animation (not the two practices done in class).
Fun with AI, app development, Python, Hour of Code, Edison robots, drones or the Year 10 Yearbook / PowerPoint/movie (inaugural project) / promotion consisting primarily of photos and labels with customised design (8 page maximum …). The teacher will offer a choice of alternative projects for students or groups of students to investigate, plan, implement and evaluate.
Year 10 Programming
This course involves programming for a variety of real-world problems and to create a digital solution for a specification. The course is about programming concepts, coding and debugging and is an introduction to Senior Digital Solutions (DIS). Studies include:
- a variety of programming languages eg Python, HTML/CSS and VisualBasic
- iPads to program drones and robots
- using the "design, make and appraise" process to create programs
- investigating careers and complementary specialty areas eg systems analyst in Accounting, Engineering and Science
By the end of Year 10, students explain the control and management of networked digital systems and the security implications of the interaction between hardware, software and users, simple data compression, and why content data are separated from presentation. Students plan and manage digital projects using an iterative approach. They take account of privacy and security requirements. Students test and predict results and implement digital solutions.
They will develop an understanding of and skills in computational thinking such as precisely and accurately describing problems and the use of modular approaches to solutions. Students will have opportunities to analyse problems and design, implement and evaluate a range of digital solutions, such as database-driven websites and artificial intelligence engines and simulations.
Senior Digital Technologies subjects offered
Senior Digital Solutions in Year 11 & 12 provides students with …
In studying Digital Solutions, students will learn about: creating with code, application and data solutions, encryption and protection, digital innovation and digital impacts personally, locally and globally, and the issues associated with the ethical integration of technology into our daily lives. They develop solutions using combinations of readily available hardware and software development environments, code libraries or specific instructions provided through programming.
Students use problem-based learning to write computer programs to create digital solutions that: use data; require interactions with users and within systems; and affect people, the economy and environments.
Students create, construct and repurpose solutions that are relevant in a world where data and digital realms are transforming entertainment, education, business, manufacturing and many other industries.
Studying Digital Solutions can lead to: employment or further studies in science, technologies, engineering and mathematics.
Senior Information and Communication Technologies in Year 11 & 12
ICT focuses on student engagement with ICT through a variety of elective contexts derived from work, study and leisure environments of today. Students apply their knowledge of ICT to produce solutions to simulated problems referenced to business, industry, government, education and leisure contexts.
Students are equipped with knowledge of current and emerging hardware and software combinations, an understanding of how to apply them in real-world contexts and the skills to use them to solve technical and/or creative problems. They work across multiple platforms and operating systems, and are ethical and responsible users and advocates of ICT, aware of the social, environmental and legal impacts of their actions.
Studying Information & Communication Technology can lead to: ICT operations, help desk, sales support, digital media support, office administration, records and data management, call centres.