English is part of the core curriculum at Rockhampton State High School and is a compulsory subject in both the junior and senior school. English is central to the learning and development of all students and helps them to become informed, confident and active members of society.
Over their six years of study at Rockhampton State High School, students will critically engage with and create a range of texts for a variety of purposes. The course of study is designed to enable students to become effective users of both written and spoken language in their everyday lives.
Students' involvement in English is complemented by learning engagement, extension and extra-curricular programs. These include LPG / LUP Literacy support classes, Creative Writing and EXCEL groups, the ASPIRE program and the opportunity to participate in a range of state and national English competitions.
Junior Curriculum:
The junior English curriculum is underpinned by the Australian Curriculum and incorporates the three interrelated strands of language, literature and literacy. These strands focus on developing students' knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, viewing, speaking, writing and creating (www.australiancurriculum.edu.au). Students are given the opportunity to construct and evaluate texts that are representative of a variety of perspectives and cultures.
In semester two of year 10, eligible students have the opportunity to undertake a Short Course in Literacy which contributes to their acquisition of QCE points in senior.
Senior Curriculum:
At the end of year ten, English students have the opportunity to choose an ATAR or non-ATAR pathway. This choice is dependent upon their aspirations at the completion of year twelve.
General English is suited to those students who are interested in tertiary study or who have achieved at a high level in junior English. This course of study promotes open-mindedness, imagination, critical awareness and intellectual flexibility – skills that prepare students for local and global citizenship and for lifelong learning across a wide range of contexts (General Senior Syllabus, p.2).
Essential English is an Applied subject suited to students who are interested in vocational education or work (although the study of no more than one Applied subject can contribute to an ATAR calculation). Essential English develops and refines students' understanding of language, literature and literacy to enable them to interact confidently and effectively with others in everyday, community contexts (Essential English Syllabus, p.1).
English at Rockhampton State High School is an engaging subject that allows students to explore their own worlds, as well as the worlds of others.